Book Title: Introduction Philosophy of Education
Authors: Drs. Uyoh Sadulloh, M.Pd
Publisher: Alfabeta, CV
Number of pages: 183 pages
Price: Rp 50.000.00
Year published: 2004 Second printing
Education is a human-only activity with a very wide field, which includes all human experience and thinking about education. Education as a practice in life, as is the case with other activities, such as economic activities, legal activities, religious activities, and others. In addition, we can also learn academic education, both empirically derived from those experiences, as well as with the contemplations are trying to see the meaning of education in a broader context. First, we call the practice of education, while the second is called the theory of education.
Language authors in this book uses communicative language so easily understood by the reader or in other words the message to be conveyed by the author's can be understood directly by reader.
Excellence of this book is able to provide information about the value, the source of value and how people can obtain the value for education in principle can not be separated from values.
The weakness in this book give a lack of understanding for the reader, especially the beginners so that the message expressed by the authors are not conveyed to the reader.
This book is worth a read because inside contained the science of education, philosophical approach and not only educational theories discussed but also with educational practices in an effort to develop human resources and provide insight into a very broad, because education concerning all aspects of life both in thought and experience. Education requires a philosophical assessment for this kind of study will look at education in a reality that is comprehensively. Philosophical study of education will help provide information about the nature of man, which horizontally connect with fellow human beings and the universe. Philosophical study also provides information relating to science and a source of knowledge because it is very helpful in determining the ultimate goal of education.
Introduction Philosophy of Education
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