Fierce Hypnoparenting |
Book Title: Fierce Hypnoparenting
Editor: Yoan Destarina
Publisher: Penebar Plus+
Moulds: I. Jakarta 2010, II. Jakarta 2010
Thickness: iv + 116 pages
ISBN: 978-602-8661-23-2
The success of departing from the family. Of someone's family formed character. But along the way, many parents who encounter difficulties in educating children. Children lazy learning, do not like to eat, lack of confidence, a bad child, and much more. Hypnoparenting is one solution for parents who encounter difficulties. Hypnoparenting derived from hypnosis and parenting. Hypnosis is not magic, hypnosis is the knowledge and techniques to communicate with the system of the brain. While parenting is anything that deal with the duties of parents in educating children. Hypnoparenting using hypnosis working principles (communication with the brain) with the knowledge of how to educate children and become parents who are able to understand the development of children to lead a good life, successful and happy.
Parents have become important actors in this hypnoparenting. In practice, hypnoparenting is the process by instilling suggestive sentences that are positive, for example, "you are smart and diligent. You love to learn and always do a good job. "The most effective way to enter the suggestion is before bed, when you wake up, when children's emotions rise, and when the child is in a state of shock. Agus Sutiyono as the author already started whispering suggestive sentence against his son, daughter Amalia Sutiyono image. The sentence he always whispered every waking since Citra 6 months old it is, "Thank you, O God, I'm healthy, I'm happy, I'm smart, and kind." The suggestions given at the right time it turned out to form a correct behavior. Citra grow with emotions balanced and favored friends.
In hypnoparenting, parents must have the emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence is high to help children optimize capabilities. Children should not be educated so smart but also capable of creative thinking, imaginative, and has stable emotions. Creativity parents needed in using the phrase suggestion is right for the child.
This book is the result of learning of the author on the faculty Master in Management IPMI Jakarta with spealisasi Human Resource Management program in 1996. In addition, the authors also followed the Indonesia-Australia Project Specialist II, Human Rights Program-University Of Sydney (UTS), Australia 2003. Written in straightforward language nan casual and family oriented, this book is perfect to read by the parents. Suggestive sentences in this book are very diverse and have been applied by the authors themselves are indeed succeeded in forming their children's behavior. In addition to their knowledge about how to educate, change or shape the behavior of the child, parents can also get a variety of knowledge they can teach their children, such as understanding hypnosis, the working mechanism of the brain, and so forth. The book is also suitable read by teenagers. Suggestive sentences in this book is very helpful and they can apply in everyday life.
Design animated images that a lot in this book would be a shortage because the book is oriented in the life of a family devoted to read the parents. In addition, there are many terms in a foreign language that is generally elusive by the parents. However, in spite of the existing shortcomings, this book is worth owned by all people, especially parents who want their children to be a good person. Educating children is like planting a tree, if we correct treatment, then we too will reap and enjoy the results. It Dahsyatnya Hypnoparenting.
Fierce Hypnoparenting
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